Beauty, Wellness, Recipes, Food
To round out our month on heart health here are three specific actions you can take to leverage the significant role diet plays in cardiovascular health.
Three key dietary components that stand out for their heart-protective benefits are fiber, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. All of which are in abundance within the jolie way to health. Fiber: The Heart's Best Friend Dietary fiber is best found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes - not supplementation. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water to form a gel-like substance that helps lower cholesterol levels by binding with cholesterol particles found in bile. This lowers overall cholesterol by preventing the reuptake of cholesterol from bile into the bloodstream providing a significant impact on levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or "bad" cholesterol, a major risk factor for heart disease. We will return to this form of fiber again when we get to metabolic health Insoluble fiber, while not directly linked to cholesterol reduction, aids in maintaining a healthy digestive system supporting microbial activity that reduces inflammation and, thereby, contributes to a healthier cardiovascular system. Antioxidants: The Protective Shield Antioxidants are compounds found in a variety of foods: berries, nuts, vegetables, and whole grains. They help protect the body from the oxidative stress which occurs when there is an imbalance between free radicals produced from cellular activity and antioxidants in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules that damage cells including heart and blood vessels. By neutralizing free radicals, antioxidants reduce oxidative stress and inflammation - key contributors to heart disease. Specific antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and polyphenols, have been shown to improve endothelial function (the inner lining of blood vessels), enhance blood flow, and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis (the buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries). Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The Heart's Ally Omega-3 fatty acids, primarily found in fatty fish, flaxseeds (my favorite for heart and hormone health), chia seeds, and walnuts, are crucial for heart health. These essential fats help reduce triglyceride levels, lower blood pressure, and decrease the risk of arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats). They also have anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent the development and progression of atherosclerosis. Omega-3 fatty acids improve the balance of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or "good" cholesterol to LDL cholesterol, further protecting your heart. Additionally, they help maintain the flexibility of the blood vessels which aids in blood flow, reduces the likelihood of blockages, and lowers blood pressure. Be intentional in including these in your diet daily and at as many meals as possible when not eating jolie to significantly enhance cardiovascular health. Love, Julia xo Although we generally think more about our immune system in the winter - it is just as important during the summer. For you to have the best summer of wellness - I am going to break down key components of your immune system and how to support yourself as you work, travel, relax, and enjoy numerous social engagements.
Your immune system has essentially three layers: the physical barrier to the outside, your innate immune system; and your adaptive immune system. The physical barrier is your skin and all the mucosal linings where your skin isn’t like your eyes, nose, and eyes. This first line of defense filters out most of the microbes that you encounter in your day. Keeping them strong is important. This is where seeking healthy skin goes far beyond looking good. When your skin is compromised: the other aspects of your immune system have to work harder - but the caveat is what compromises the skin also weakens your innate and adaptive immune system. So how do we reinforce the skin and mucosal barrier? Action : avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose. When skin is irritated - avoid scratching or rubbing. Scratching, for example an insect bite, creates microtears in the skin that weaken the barrier. Hydration: the integrity of our mucosal linings depends on proper hydration. If you are over 60, I want you to hydrate by numbers - do not rely on thirst. If you should be drinking 64 oz, then drink 64 ounces. Our sensation of thirst diminishes with age. Vitamin A : is your eye health vitamin and plays a role in tear film (aka your eye immune system) and ocular surface health - again related to your physical immune system barrier. This is NOT a call for vitamin A supplementation. It is reason to increase the dark leafy greens, carrots, red peppers, and sweet potatoes. Eating a plant centered diet like jolie gives you all the vitamin A you need. Have a cup of berries everyday. This is my favorite mid-afternoon snack. Do this and eat more vegetables - It will supply you with all the vitamin c you need without supplements. Vitamin C is absolutely necessary for your body to make collagen. Julia xo The adaptive immune system is the third layer of your immune system - each layer is more complex and more targeted than the other. The adaptive immune system regulates acquired immunity and is uniquely able to respond with specificity to pathogens.
When a microbe enters your body - your innate immune system (layer 2) looks for specific patterns or structures that are most common to most pathogens. These structures and patterns are general enough that innate immune cells can lock on and destroy. But if a pathogen enters that is different from a recognized pattern or structure - the innate immune system signals for the adaptive immune system to take over due to its ability to handle new pathogens. Vaccines work by triggering the adaptive immune system to make antibodies specific to the pathogen being immunized against. Your adaptive immune system can not only do this, but it creates an immunological memory of the pathogen in case you encounter it again. This is the most powerful part of your immune system because of its specificity, immunological memory, and it is ablity to differentiate between you and non-you. It is vital we work to maintain the adaptive system because it protects us from never before encountered pathogens and autoimmunity. A weak adaptive immune system opens us to more severe illness and the development of autoimmunity There are two key factors in maintaining and strengthening the adaptive immune system: sleep and nutrition. And both are equally important. Do not compromise sleep - this coming from someone who used to challenge herself to sleep as little as possible. Lost sleep cannot be made up. You don’t need to be an early riser or early to bed - follow your innate sleep rhythm, but you need 7 hours minimum. There are those who will say, especially as they get older, I do not need as much sleep as I used to - you may think that, but your body doesn’t know it. One reason adaptive immunity begins a rapid decline as we age is lack of sleep and lack of nourishment. As you get older do not trust how sleepy you are, how hungry you are, or how thirsty you are. Sleep, eat, drink following the rules: 7-8 hours of sleep, tons of vegetables, whole grains, some healthy fat, and some protein; ½ oz. water for every pound of body weight. Make this a habit while you're younger - so as you get older - and the feedback loop is less reliable - you can still maintain good health. Nutrition: the aspect of nutrition that impacts the adaptive immune system is your micronutrient profile. Eggs and toast, a ham sandwich, and a bag salad with chicken does not meet micronutrient needs. For that you need variety. A great example of deep micronutrient nourishment is the Wahl’s Protocol. It calls for 3 cups of leafy greens, 3 cups of sulfur containing vegetables (mushrooms, onion family, brassica family) and 3 cups of colorful vegetables / berries. Here is a link to a Wahl’s Cheat Sheet. My passion is vibrant longevity - so everything in the jolie meal programs is first and foremost making sure you get all your micronutrients. When you do, I know you become more disease resistant, heal pathologies that may be forming, and strengthen your immunity and regenerative mechanisms. With this, you can be at your optimum which means you are strong, resilient, and recover well. Julia xo Today we will look at your innate immune system - what happens when a pathogen gets inside.
So a germ makes it across the skin and mucosal barrier - the body immediately senses it is foreign - not of you. The foot soldiers are instantly activated to shoot first, ask questions later. The attack is speedy because as soon as a microbe breaches the physical barrier it is programmed to begin replicating as quickly as possible - and they are fast. In most cases, your innate immune system handles the problem. Often before you notice physical symptoms. You may for an instant feel a bit run down, tired, or a scratchy throat and then it’s gone. During this period the best way you can support yourself is slow down, rest, drink lots of fluids like water, Immune Booster, broth, and soup, sleep more. Your slowing down will allow the energy needed for optimal immune function. Your food provides the micronutrients you need for immune function. If you barely feel rundown and then normal - your innate immune system is victorious. How do we keep this layer of our immune system healthy? The soldier in the innate immune system is housed in your lymph fluid and blood stream. Movement aids their circulation as well as proper hydration. Deep nourishment - the most crippling thing for your immune system is under nourishment. We are talking micros here: minerals, vitamin, antioxidants, and the like. These are from your superfoods, vegetables, and fruits - a.k.a. jolieLife nutrition. Rest. You need slow down built into your day (10-15 minutes is enough) and you need sleep. The only time I get sick is after a book that I just cannot stop reading. Not sleeping enough causes low level inflammation which engages your immune cells. Therefore, there is a tamped down response to true pathogens. Sleep. Make this summer great - learn from jolie nutrition. Order your program and see what meals look like that are made to optimize your health. Love, Julia xo |
Words to Live ByI am not a heroine, but I have chosen the person I want to be. Categories
January 2025