1. Is doing this helping me to my goal?
Simple question for when you are trying to talk yourself out of your eating plan, exercise time, going for a run, going to bed. Is skipping your workout because you’ve had a hard day helping you to your goal or pushing it away? This takes the emotion out and refocuses you on WHY you are doing the thing. 2. Does this food light me up? Great prevention for eating junk that you don’t even really like. So many calories get wasted on food that doesn’t even taste great or midway through you don’t even want. 3. Is there a more fabulous substitute aligned with my goals? The antidote to feeling deprivation is feeling pampered. During my weight loss feeling deprived was not sustainable and when I tried it led to binges. The more doable path that will serve you well past weight loss is feeling like you love your food. I keep my refrigerator full of jolie meals, juices, fruits I love, cucumbers, yogurt, olives, almond crackers, fasting bars, and dark chocolate. I love those things and will always choose them above the snacks my kids have, bagels, cookies, or other traditionally tempting treats. 4. Am I eating with intention? One of the first rules I made for myself was not eating standing up, while doing other things, or in the car. Eating on the go you eat more than you think and somehow the food gets lost because you don’t feel like you’ve had an actual meal. A lot of overeating or eating things that make you feel bloated and heavy happens unintentionally because we just don’t notice what and how much we are putting in our mouths. 5. Am I doing this to please myself? How many things have you eaten because it’s expected, I didn’t want to cause a fuss, they were eating too, they got it for me? Too much. Asking yourself is this a game changer because ultimately what you eat needs to make you happy - you live with your food in how it makes you feel, look, move, and sleep. love, Julia xo
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Author14 years ago, I lost 80 pounds. It is the greatest thing I ever did for my health and in creating a body I love. ArchivesCategories |