The first trimester is a roller coaster. You may not realize you are pregnant for part of it. But, all is well. No need to fret over what you did, didn’t, or might have done before conception. Your body is a marvelous mechanism which was already protecting and nourishing the little developing baby inside.
This is the first step as a jolieLife mom - dispense with worry. Worry is essentially sending negative, smothering energy into a situation. Yuk!!! We want to train our body, through our mind, to expect the best outcomes, the best health for our baby, and the best for us. When you find out you are pregnant it is time to begin saying as frequently as possible “I am nurturing the baby inside. My body knows what to do.” Let this be your mantra. Write it down, post it on the bathroom mirror. Put it in your wallet. Stick it on your car. You can print it out here. Your positive mindset will make your pregnancy amazing. People are able to heal themselves from diseases like cancer with their mind. The book Mind Over Medicine by Dr. Lissa Rankin documents how the mind can heal. We can use this power to wrap our pregnancy in safety and ease.
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