Beauty, Wellness, Recipes, Food
Aging as a disease is gaining scientific traction. Under the disease paradigm, aging begins slowly, imperceptably - in the advanced stages of the process age related disease begins to present - such as diabetes, heart disease, Alzhemiers, and some forms of cancer.
Whether your process is fast or slow depends on lifestyle, genetics, and diet. Diet is by far the most powerful way to slow aging. A longevity diet does two things: it is both the defense to reverse aging and the offense to prevent it. Defensively: diet can reduce cholesterol, reverse diabetes, reduce weight, lower inflammation, encourage disposal of senesent and cancerous cells. Offensively: good diet choices boost immunity, increase cell turnover, encourage natural detoxification processes, strengthen mitochondria, maintain healthy gut flora, keep hormones balanced, and support neurological functions. A longevity diet provides all the nutrients for both the offense and the defense. In addition, when you undertake a longevity diet you automatically begin to treat other conditions such as high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmunity, poor digestion, depression, metabolic disorder, suboptimal sleep, infertility, and obesity. A longevity diet can include only plants or plants and animal products and is not a calorie restricted diet, but will encourage optimal body weight. JolieLife is a longevity diet. To summarize a longevity diet in a nutshell: – Fiber-rich and micro-biome promoting foods, particularly vegetables, beans, mushrooms, nuts (especially walnuts!), and healthy grains like quinoa are the foundation. – Contains generous amounts of healthy fats: this means fats from olives, olive oil, avocado, walnuts, fatty fish, chia seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, and so on. – Includes healthy proteins: this can be plant based protein or animal protein in moderation :this means eating less red meat than the average American (beef, pork, veal, etc.) and more white meat (poultry) and fatty fish (salmon, anchovy, mackerel, herring, etc.). – Contains fewer sugars (soda, cake, cookies, etc.) and starches (bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, etc.). A note on protein and longevity diets: One hallmark of aging is the accumulation of proteins inside and outside cells. Protein accumulation pays a key role in heart disease, particularly heart failure. High amounts of animal-protein accelerate protein accumulation. The longevity diet recommends that in order to expand your lifespan reduce your intake of animal protein. Make this fall a time for you to launch your longevity program with a month subscription to jolie meal delivery. Monthly subscriptions provide you a 15% discount - costing less than $55 a day for three meals a day. Start this September. Julia xo August is my month. Busyness winds down - glow food populates the farmers’ markets - the sun and heat are at the peak.
Before you continue reading, if you want to take advantage of jolie’s Glow inducing meals - you can order in August at the subscription price using the code AUGUST22. A big part of Glowing Up is focusing on and polishing up your goals. I strongly believe that we create our life either passively or actively. The more intentional we are in how we are living - the more fulfilling life is and the more fabulous it becomes. August is the perfect time out to refocus. The slower pace and the ease of August opens up time to reflect. This kind of reflection isn’t like end of the year reflections or new year’s visioning. In August, there is less pressure and you can use the beach, long walks, vacations, car trips, plane rides, bbqs, sitting outside as time to consciously reflect on what you want to create in your life: immediately (the next 2-4 weeks), near term (the next months - ½ years), and long-ish term (the 3+ years). I begin this process by writing down 3 desires in each category. Sitting with those 9 for a day or two and then selecting one from each category to focus on for the next 30-60 days.. Once I have my three - I write them down every morning, meditate on them, and see what inspired action I can take that day toward each goal. Taking the daily actions is a bit easier in August because time slows just a little bit. The actions in August get the ball rolling and the stillness and slowness of August allows you to see more clearly when people, things, books, and ideas are put in your path that lead you closer to your goals, provide you with necessary information or inspiration, or provide the next step. When you begin to focus on something, it actually stimulates your visual cortex to begin noticing new things within your visual field, both actually and experientially, that you did not notice before. This is what happens when you buy a yellow car and start noticing all the other yellow cars driving around. Setting your three goals awakens your visual field to notice resources, people, bits of conversation, books, opportunities that relate to your goal - what is called the bridge of incidences which helps you achieve your goals. Slower paced August gives you more time to notice and take advantage of those “incidences” that pop up. Take advantage of this time to consciously reflect on your desires and use both action and meditation to help them materialize. Using this process daily and refocusing every 2-3 months will turbo fuel your big and small goals. Julia xo |
Words to Live ByI am not a heroine, but I have chosen the person I want to be. Categories
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