Beauty, Wellness, Recipes, Food
Women are stereotyped as being very communal; however, we are often reticent to ask for help. The reasons women don't ask are numerous: fear of no; not wanting to appear naive or weak; maintaining privacy; shame; feeling like I should be able to do this.
By not asking we cut ourselves off. Asking for what we want expands us in many ways.
Exercise your ability to ask by asking someone to do something for you for the purpose of exercising your asking muscle. Do something you habitually do differently today. Changes in our routines are a great way to build new neuro-pathways. It keeps our brain flexible and nimble.
Children spend a lot of time at play. Imagination is a large part of children's play whether it is pretending that the toy car is on a road picking up passengers or they are in the bike race of their lives. As we become adults, we put aside play and settle into more serious pursuits.
The cost of abandoning play is that life becomes too serious. Reintroduce play into your world with your imagination. When you find your thoughts wandering into "what if" territory, follow them and see where they take you. Oftentimes, you will be amazed where you end up. Some of my most genius decisions and best inspiration has come from imagining my life differently than it is now. When I lived in the house before the one I live in now, I use to imagine having windows all over my house and french doors that let out into the garden from the back of the house. I wanted to see my garden from every room in my house. When I started looking for a house, I found to my amazement just that house I had imagined at the perfect price. I knew it was for me. Let your mind loose and see what happens. We receive so much everyday. Yet, we want more. Most of us desire better relationships, healthier bodies, less stress, more love, and then some. How do we get more? We love what we have.
When you feel thankful, you feel love both inside you and for what exist for you. That love for what we have puts us in a position to attract more good into our lives. If you want more, acknowledge constantly the things you are thankful for and love. My practice is to spend my driving time saying out loud what I am thankful for and what I love. This small practice will transform your life. Julia Stress is the enemy of maintaining beauty and health. Hormones related to stress put our cells into overdrive. We were created to respond to momentary stress, but not to the constant onslaught modern life can present. Sustained stress damages our cells causing more rapid aging. Fat cells respond to high stress levels by storing more energy as fat. Aging and weight gain--a dreadful combination.
Taking time to breathe and meditate quietly throughout the day is a wonderful antidote to stress. Slowing down consciously two to three times a day gives the spirit time to reconnect with the sacred inside you. Just a five minute break will relax the body and clear the mind. So today set a reminder on your phone to stop, breath in for four counts and breath out for four counts. Concentrate on your breathing. Visualize stress, tension, and worry draining from your body as you exhale and light energy flooding you as you inhale. This practice alone will do more than glass of wine ever could! Sunshine is essential. The spring is a fabulous time to reap the benefits of the sun without the risk of overexposure. Also, being in the sun throughout the spring will allow your skin to gradually acclimate itself so that you're less likely to burn once summer begins.
Benefits of sunlight are:
Go out for a walk in the gentle spring sun. To reap the benefits remember the skin must be exposed and without sunscreen. Love, Jules xo |
Words to Live ByI am not a heroine, but I have chosen the person I want to be. Categories
January 2025