Beauty, Wellness, Recipes, Food
Yesterday I attended a small gathering of people which allowed me to observe and test some of the practices I teach in coaching.
1. Attention changes interactions to connections. Eye contact is most effective when not only your eyes, but your attention is focused on the other person. Attention is likely the most scarce resource in modern human interaction. Talking to another while thinking about yourself or something else, blocks your ability to connect. Placing all your attention on the other person allows you to see the next questions to ask, where they may be resistant, and gives them a subconscious feeling of being seen. In last nights event, the deepest connections where made by focused attention and those conversations flowed without awkward pauses. 2. Authenticity can include challenge. When seeking true connection with another being authentic is key, but so is challenge. We all enjoy agreeable people, but those who never introduce an different viewpoint or disagreement are more difficult to connect with because they do not demonstrate individuality or how they are unique. When you speak with people be yourself, but also do not be afraid to challenge them. 3. Ask questions. Observing those who talked about themselves mostly with those who asked frequent questions, especially follow up questions - the conversations liberally sprinkled with questions definitely allowed the participants to learn more about each other and deeper discovery. Also, throughout the conversations with questions the participants exhibited more open body language. To learn more about how you can optimize your ability to connect with others to make your life and their life better, join me in a coaching session. To learn more click here. Feet are neglected in Western beauty culture, but are foundational in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. They deserve the attention that these alternative modalities advocate. Feet have pressure points which are connected to almost every area of your body. A foot massage affects not only your feet, but your organs also. Foot health also influences the health of your knees, hips, and lower back.
Here is my healthy foot routine to keep me spry. 1. Practice toe separation. If you practice yoga, you are use to the practice of spreading your toes. This helps to alleviate compression of the musculature and nerves of the feet making you more stable and grounded. Without a yoga practice, wear a toe separator for 5-15 minutes each evening. If your toes are too stiff or this causes any discomfort, start gently by weaving a paper towel between your toes. 2. Rub your feet 2-3 times a week with a pumice or exfoliation cream. This will keep your heels and ball of your foot soft avoiding painful calluses which throw off your gait and lead to problems in the knees, hips, and lower back. Do not do this if you have abrasions on your foot. 3. Massage the sole of your foot with a tennis ball daily to address tightness, to relax the foot, and to activate pressure points on the foot. 4. Moisturize your feet twice daily. I use a moisturizer in the morning with lots of botanical oils and another one with 20% urea at night. It will cure cracked heels and help hydrate the skin. It also helps with dry hands. Follow this and you will have fabulously healthy, beautiful feet which will benefit your mobility, agility, and joint health. love, Julia xo |
Words to Live ByI am not a heroine, but I have chosen the person I want to be. Categories
December 2024