Beauty, Wellness, Recipes, Food
Benefits of cat cow pose: increased back flexibility relieve pain of menstrual cramps, sciatica, hip tightness improves digestion creates internal calm It seems like someone we know is always doing some sort of cleanse — which makes us wonder whether it’s just a fad or do they know something we don’t? --Here are the answers from an interview I did for The Pick Up Line - details below. Cleanses have an ancient origin. Both in Ayurveda and western wellness practices fasting from certain foods has been heralded as a way to improve health and bolster mental clarity. We are now rediscovering and finding the scientific basis for cleansing. It accelerates cellular repair by shunting energy that would be spent on digestion to repair; the digestive system gets a chance to heal, and the easy absorption of nutrients from juices energizes and detoxifies the body.
2. So for all of the different reasons out there to try a cleanse, there also seems to be that many different types… can you break it down for us? There are a bunch of different options out there, so the whole cleansing thing can get confusing. Most common is a juice cleanse, but you can also do a soup cleanse, broth cleanse, and plant-based food cleanse. If you have never cleansed, try a one day cleanse - you can do anything for 24 hours and you get a hint of what a full on 3 or 5 day cleanse can do for you. Choose a line that is low sugar, organic, and preferably non-pasteurized. You are drinking the essences of fruit and vegetables, so you don’t want them laced with pesticides, nor do you want all the vitamins cooked out. A cleanse loaded with fruit juices can cause you to gain weight and/or have energy crashes. 3. How often do you cleanse? Start with once a month until all the sludge clears out. That sounds like bad instructions, but trust me you will know when … it feels as if the fog has lifted and suddenly your body is a Ferrari. After that go for a one day a month or one three day cleanse per season. Cleanses are a great reset between the seasons and after times of overindulgence - vacations, holidays, working on deadlines that keep you eating out. 4. Another thing we’ve heard is that juice cleanses can be pricey… Why is that? Can you do your own? Price and quality do correlate with juice cleanses. Ideally, you want a cleanse that is freshly pressed from organic ingredients without pasteurization. Pasteurization destabilizes many of the nutrients and effects flavor; organic because you are drinking concentrated vegetables - you do not want concentrated pesticides. The bulk of the juice should be derived from vegetables, not fruit. Fruit heavy cleanses are cheaper, but not good for resetting your body or getting lean. Organic, vegetables are pricey and a lot should go into your juice. You can press your own cleanse. This will pay off if you frequently cleanse - multiple times a month. Otherwise the cost of a high quality juicer, your time, and ingredients outweigh the cost of a cleanse made for you. You can buy one or make your own. Jolie has fabulous cleanses that meets all the above criteria, plus some. Here are some options if you wish to do it yourself:
5. Is there any cheating allowed? It sounds like a challenge to commit to liquids only for a day. Sometimes during a cleanse I have to chew (note: not chewing rests the digestive system which allows it to heal and redirects the energy to restoring other areas of the body). If you get tired of drinking only, allow yourself dinner with green vegetables and fish or chicken. 6. Is there anything else you do during a cleanse? It helps when cleansing to plan special time for yourself: a massage, bubble bath, unscheduled adds to the experience of feeling renewed. 7. Is there anyone out there who should not try a juice cleanse? Do you recommend consulting with a doctor first? Do not juice cleanse if you are pregnant or think you may have an eating disorder. Diabetic patients should consult with their doctor before cleansing. For other conditions cleansing is very helpful. There is documentation of regular cleansing helping to recover from cancer and heart disease. The Pickup Line is a daily newsletter for busy moms featuring short recaps of the day’s big stories — hard news & lifestyle all in one place delivered to subscribers’ in-boxes at school and activity pickup time — when they actually have a few minutes to catch up. www.the love, Julia xo |
Words to Live ByI am not a heroine, but I have chosen the person I want to be. Categories
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