Beauty, Wellness, Recipes, Food
The challenge derailed yesterday. I planned a love drive to create more positive energy. I planned an amazing meal day - jolieLife. Instead, I procrastinated on the love drive and chose to eat what the kids had for lunch which left me feeling heavy, instead of light and refreshed. In the evening I was left me asking myself why was I so resistant to pleasure?
The love drive always leave me feeling wonderful and eating a scrumptious salad is heaven to me. Why do we resist pleasure? To define a love drive: they are short, 10-15 minute drives by myself to focus on what I love. I spend the time saying aloud what I love. It is a wonderful practice. It makes you glow! My self examination revealed I did the things that seemed like work, but undervalued the aspects of the challenge that were pleasure. It is a common theme. However, I am certain if I had done the pleasure, the work would have been easier and I would have felt very happy and satisfied at the end of the day because I would have done the things that feed my soul. So today, I vowed to leave nothing on the table - to do the pleasure. Result: I am writing this because I feel energized from eating well, spending time in meditation, and taking my Masterclasses. On top of that, I had more energy, focus, and efficiency in doing the tasks of the day. Lesson learned: do pleasure first and you fuel everything else. with light + love, Julia Comments are closed.
Words to Live ByI am not a heroine, but I have chosen the person I want to be. Categories
January 2025