Beauty, Wellness, Recipes, Food
Each month we are featuring a client success story to give you inspiration for your own wellness.
The jolie nutrition programs are designed to change your life. Read the transformation story of our client Carrie. ***** I hadn’t been in for a check up since before Covid. When I got my blood work back from my doctor it was a shocker. My A1C was 9.6. My blood sugar 230. My total cholesterol was 256. I was overweight - that part I already knew. I couldn’t believe it. I was immediately put on metformin. I didn’t want to be on medication, I wanted to do a lifestyle intervention - but my doctor was concerned because my numbers diagnosed me as a diabetic. He gave me 45 days. If everything remained the same - I’d start on insulin. After crying my way home, I googled information on reversing diabetes, lowering cholesterol, losing weight, reducing blood sugar. This was Wednesday. I decided the food was too complicated- I didn’t have time to cook, grocery shop, plan, and figure it all out at the same time. Plus, I needed time to start an exercise program and decompress my life. I started on a 6 day jolie nutrition program the following Monday. Breakfast, lunch, dinner - I had a list of jolie recommended snacks. All the food came prepared with options to heat - especially dinner. The first week I definitely had sugar withdrawal and although I was not at all hungry I craved sugar. We made some program adjustments to help me transition - eating breakfast a bit later or on days I was super busy using breakfast as a snack. That adjustment and drinking the two daily teas helped me feel more satisfied overall. The first difference I noticed was I slept better. My stomach went down. By the next Sunday, I had lost my first four pounds. Fast forward to my follow up appointment - the results were amazing!! I lost 30 pounds, my A1C dropped to 6.5, my cholesterol was down from high to borderline high, and my blood glucose normal. My doctor couldn’t believe the change - especially in such a short time. I am continuing - my goal is completely normal bloodwork and another 15 pounds. The jolie meal delivery gave me structure and discipline around food. I didn’t have to wonder or second guess myself and my family could have what they wanted, while I had what I needed. I feel like a new woman. **** Food does transform. Give yourself more time and peace of mind - sign up for a jolie nutrition program. It’s flexible, customizable, and it works. For the new year, reserve your spot in the Total Body Reset. Comments are closed.
Words to Live ByI am not a heroine, but I have chosen the person I want to be. Categories
January 2025