Beauty, Wellness, Recipes, Food
Wellness is a practice of taking care of yourself in private so that in the rest of your life you feel better and can do all the things you want. It is a lifelong commitment built on individual actions and choices. One way that I keep myself on track is throughout the year, I do various projects and challenges that support my wellness.
For fall, I chose to focus on being my best self - in all the ways: mindset, body, happiness, purpose, nutrition. I invite you to join me or create a challenge of your own. Here is how you begin to hone in on what, at this moment and time, it means to be your best self. Complete the sentence: ”I want to feel” as many times as you can. Choose 3-4 statements that feel really exciting or good to you. There are no wrong choices. Remember when you work on something, it automatically elevates all the areas of your life. The four statements I chose were: I want to feel more limber and flexible. I want to feel balanced. I want to feel focused. I want to feel vibrant. Now think of habits, foods, activities, places, or experiences that support the statements you chose. This is a brainstorm. When you are done you will choose a few which you will integrate into the next few months. Here is what I did. I want to feel more limber and flexible. Eat more turmeric & ginger - anti-inflammatories. Do a weekly self massage or receive a massage. Daily take time to stretch. I want to feel balanced. Schedule acupuncture to balance energy. Spend time in nature. Each morning spend 20 minutes in meditation and prayer. I want to feel focused. Create a written hourly schedule. Remove the clutter in my space and schedule. Spend less time with people that distract me from my goals. I want to feel vibrant. Change my routines to add freshness. Prioritize sleep. Dance every day. Eat lots of raw foods. Once you complete this practice, you have goals and definitions of what it means to be your best self. From here we begin and let me inspire and cheer you on. Love, Julia xo Comments are closed.
Words to Live ByI am not a heroine, but I have chosen the person I want to be. Categories
December 2024