Beauty, Wellness, Recipes, Food
Cravings sabotage our nutrition programs, efforts to reverse chronic disease, and weight loss plans. Cravings make us feel out of control, defeat us, and can mentally make us feel like we are not fixable.
I acknowledge all those feelings that cravings create, AND, I offer you an alternate view and path to use to make you healthier. First off - cravings have a biological root. They are not the result of your weakness, lack of self control, or self sabotaging. The body actually becomes addicted to foods: sugar and bread are two common examples. Interestingly, foods that are inflammation inducers prompt the body to create antibodies to them as part of your immune response. Knowing that dairy, for example, inflames you, you avoid dairy. But the presence of these dairy antibodies circulating in your body actually triggers a desire for the enemy, so your cravings for ice cream, lattes, and cheese increase. Understanding the biological root of cravings is important for two reasons. Firstly, it underscores that there is nothing wrong with you, your body is functioning well and correctly. Secondly, it guides us in addressing cravings. Realizing that they are basically well worn food pathways that your body has come to expect, the most successful approach is to create new pathways and walk down the well-worn path less and less frequently until it all but disappears. Here is a quick outline of how to get started in unhooking cravings that are not supportive of your wellbeing.
with love, Jules xo Comments are closed.
Words to Live ByI am not a heroine, but I have chosen the person I want to be. Categories
January 2025